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#  Radiocarbon [14C] ages of sedimentary organic matter and sedimentation rates 
#   for Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin sediments
#  PI: Andreas Teske (UNC Chapel Hill)
#  Co-PI: Ana Christina Ravelo (UC Santa Cruz)
#  Version date: 13-March-2019
#  Notes: 
#   Sedimentation Rate is based on using the youngest and oldest samples ain an average for the dated part of thart of the core.
#   ** = outlier
Core  Depth_in_core  C14_age  C14_age_uncertainty  Calendar_age  Sed_Rate  
P03   274            6895     35                   6999          0.39      
P10   1.5            1375     35                   567           0.56      
P10   350            6730     30                   6791          0.56      
P11   3.5            1595     35                   758.5         0.2286    
P11   47.5           3690     25                   3289          0.2286    
P11   73.5           7075     35                   7183          0.2286    
P11   244            10635    30                   11258         0.2286    
P12   5.5            2200     40                   1367          0.97      
P12   35             2500     35                   1673          0.97      
P12   150            3585     30                   2986          0.97      
P12   185            3875     30                   3339          0.97      
P12   274            4330     30                   3905          0.97      
P12   321            4665     30                   4351          0.97      
P12   361            4650     30                   4335          0.97      
P13   3.5            1620     35                   775           0.99      
P13   30             5405     30                   5371**        0.99      
P13   93             2680     30                   227           0.99      
P13   156            3170     35                   400           0.99      
P13   226            3400     30                   693           0.99      
P13   311            4315     30                   1769          0.99